Monday, November 22, 2010



the thinking man
acrylic paint on canvas by Robert Margetts

I’ve heard stories from those who knew him best

They spoke of him as the silent hero
A man of stature
A man of inner strength and pride                                       

With love and tenderness he did rear me
A single parent widowed by painful fate
A drunk driver played the grim reaper
And stole a soul before its time.

Yet, not a word did he mention of his loss
Not an open bed did he take for comfort
Nor the hands of pity did he accept
Though thrown into his new responsibilities
He took to them as if it were fate.

And complaints, I had none
He frolicked in my youth
And shared in my pain
He taught me in a world of hate

That in darkness there is strength
That goodness hides behind fear
And to understand this emotion,
One must see the child in the most evil
And befriend his pain.

All this time, not a tear did he drop
Not the breath of remorse reached my ears
I could not and did not see his pain
For he showed none.
If his eyes were two way mirrors,
They reflected nothing but content
And pain was but a brick wall on the other side
With no means of escape or relief.

And then one night he took his life.
With a click of the trigger a silent hero
Kissed the wings of immortality forever.
And, for the first time I realized
That is wall of pain was the only
Legacy passed onto me.
And, as fate would have it,
I built it twice as high for my wife and kid.

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